Airborne Operations D-Day Brief

Air Vice-Marshal Leslie Hollinghurst's instructions for briefing aircrew involved in the British airborne airlifts on D-Day. It is quite clear that he had considerable misgivings about the plan and particularly the parachute drops intended for Drop Zone V. In this area, the role of the Pathfinders would be particularly crucial, but Hollinghurst was evidently doubtful of their ability to set up and operate effectively before the troop carriers arrived.


Points to be brought out in briefing

(i)     Warn pathfinders and 14 para aircraft detailed to drop on DZ K at CT - 5 that Halifaxes will be bombing powder factory a few miles away at time of their drop.

(ii)     Warn Halifaxes to ensure bombs do not fall too near DZ K.

(iii)    Warn Pathfinders and other aircraft dropping on DZ K not to wander too far south after dropping, as night fighters may be operating in this area.

(iv)    Warn all aircraft and in particular those dropping on DZ V that battery is likely to be covered with smoke etc due to the Oboe bombing between CT - 4.50 and CT – 4.40. This smoke may drift.

(v)      Inform crews of pre-arranged signal for recall. This is extremely unlikely to be given during TONGA but may be needed during MALLARD. It must be emphasised that this signal is unlikely to be sent. When sent it will be repeated “x” times at intervals of “y” seconds so that there can be no mistake.

(vi)    Warn all crews that they must be prepared to find their LZ and DZ without the aid of Eureka and lights, as the I.P. party etc may be too busily engaged with the enemy to put them out.

(vii)   Warn 46 Group that they must keep close up. Their exercises have not been too good in this respect. If they straggle it means that the timing of the remainder is thrown out.

(viii)   Warn all crews that if gliders are not released or paratroops not dropped on first run in, they are to fly straight on and later make a left hand sweep going round to drop or release again after the remainder of the stream has passed.

(ix)    Warn all tugs that if gliders become detached en route they are to bring the ropes back as evidence that it was the rope that broke or that the glider released.

(x)     Emphasise vital importance of allowing the pathfinders a full 30 minutes.

(xi)    Emphasise vital importance of keeping to the timings because night fighters etc are involved.

(xii)   As regards MALLARD and ROB-ROY remind crews that balloons may be flying on beaches and surface craft, although instructions have been given for the balloons to be close hauled to 100 ft in the area 6 miles west of the River ORNE estuary whilst the operation is in progress.

(xiii)  Ensure that all tug and glider pilots have marked photographs.

(xiv)  Emphasise to pathfinders that the holophane lights and in particular the red indicator must be in a position from which they can be seen by aircraft approaching at a low altitude from the sea.

(xv)   Emphasise to pathfinders that they must get the Eureka going at all costs even if it is 500 yds or so from the right place. If necessary they can set it going and transport it nearer the right place whilst it is working. Remind them that aircraft will be triggering the Eureka from 6 to 10 miles out.

(xvi)  Inform all crews that, notwithstanding any tables already issued, the official time of civil twilight for airborne and night bombing operations is 05.20B. When briefing Squadron Commanders etc, the CT hours should be converted to clock hours on the basis of 05.20B.

(xvii)  Emphasise to 46 Group Station Commanders that the only authorised briefing instructions are those issued by 38 Group. On no account are they to accept amendments to the briefing from 46 Group Headquarters without reference to 38 Group.

(xviii) Warn all Squadron Commanders that they, and their crews, when briefed, are not permitted on any account to mention or discuss the operation for which they have been briefed outside the briefing or “Gen” room. Entrance to these rooms is to be prohibited to anyone who has not been briefed (Station Commanders must be warned of this).

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